Refreshing the RICS awards

RICS is a globally recognised professional body for chartered surveyors, promoting and enforcing the highest professional standards in the development and management of land, real estate, construction and infrastructure. We were invited to review the well-established RICS Awards programme, to give it a refresh and more meaningful purpose in the context of celebrating the benefit that the built environment can bring to society.


Gathering market feedback

We gathered market feedback, speaking to our contacts and members and affiliates of the RICS to get a gauge of current perceptions. Among those who had entered or attended an awards event, we wanted their insight on how they thought it could be improved.

We also assessed market position analysing other awards in the property sector, their categories, pricing, event format and attendance levels.


Establishing positioning

This was a comprehensive piece of work that examined the company’s existing position, what makes it stand out and how it can best promote its skills, approach and value to clients and prospects. We interviewed clients, prospects, project team members and influencers. We also examined existing marketing material and recent bids.


Aligning with new values

We knew from our knowledge of the real estate market that a shift was occurring, with a move to the value of our built environment in terms of sustainability and social value. This aligned with RICS’ vision and we wanted to make sure that the awards better reflected its positive purpose.


A new awards programme

The result was a new awards programme launched in 2020, The RICS Social Impact Awards. At the time this was the only national awards programme highlighting the positive impact our built environment has on people’s lives. Since then, almost every other sector awards programme has followed suit or introduced more categories to focus on value to society.


Engaging the industry

We also wanted to use our network to engage the position of the awards through involving external leaders and influencers in the judging process. We secured guest judges such as Polly Neate, CEO at Shelter; Stevie Spring, Chair at MIND; and John Alker of UKGBC to add gravitas and open up the awards’ relevance to the general public. We also wrote all collateral for entrants and promotion.